Beth Norcross


New Book!
Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees
Integrating science and spirituality, Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy invite readers to experience the profound wisdom, healing, and restorative power of our ancient ancestors—the trees. Drawing on decades of experience in both spirituality and ecology, the authors share stories, guidance, and practices that offer the reader an intimate relationship with the forest and all living beings.
Releases 4/22/25. Pre-order now available.
As a passionate spiritual guide, naturalist, teacher, author, and founder of The Center for Spirituality in Nature, Beth invites people into a powerful, loving,
spiritual relationship with the natural world, and offers nature's wisdom for living with connection, resilience, joy, and hope.
An active speaker, writer, and program leader, Beth crafts meaningful programs for a variety of settings that will connect with and nurture audiences of
all kinds.

The wisdom of trees in challenging times | Beth Norcross | TEDxWoodinville
Featured at TEDxWoodinville for fall 2024, Beth shared a short, but powerful talk on the wisdom we can find from our tree elders if we know how to pay attention and learn from them. Find more videos by Beth on Youtube.